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Philip Veerman en Lesia Kop, Laat kinderen en jongeren zoveel mogelijk meepraten als volwaardige burgers in: De Volkskrant


February 2022, “The Best Interests of the Child and the Right to Inclusive Education”
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Article in The International Journal of Children’s Rights, pages 499-523.
Author: Philip Veerman

February 2022 “Still Passionate About Children’s Rights After Thirty Years” Lees het artikel >
Article in The International Journal of Children’s Rights Author: Philip Veerman


Michael Freeman and Philip E. Veerman. “The Ideologies of Children’s Rights”. Series: International Studies in Human Rights, Volume: 23. Publication date e-book: 27 Sep 2021

Philip E. Veerman. “The Rights of the Child and the Changing Image of Childhood”
Series: International Studies in Human Rights, Volume: 18 Publication date: 01 Nov 2021

Artikelen in Den Haag Centraal:

Oktober 2021: “Lachgas is niet om te lachen” Lees het artikel >
Augustus 2021 : “Haagse steun voor jonge mantelzorgers” Lees het artikel >
April 2021: ‘Hoe verklein je de kloof tussen jongeren en politici?’ Lees het artikel >

Financieel Dagblad maart 2021: “Zet verlaging kiesgerechtigde leeftijd in het regeerakkoord”


Philip Veerman: Is religion a friend or foe of children’s rights? Mei 2020, in: ‘Droits de l’enfant et croyances religieuses’ published  and edited by Centre Interfacultaire en droits de l’enfant of the Genève University. Publicatie-mei2020-UG (pdf)

Philip Veerman Book Review, in: INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF CHILDREN’S RIGHTS 28 (2020) 425-437 : Marilyn Wedge,A Disease Called Childhood; Why ADHD Became An American Epidemic

Philip Veerman, The Ongoing Battle Against Recruitment of Child Soldiers, chapter in ‘Rechten van het kind en waardigheid’, uitgave: Ars Aequi juridische uitgeverij. The Ongoing Battle Against Recruitment of Child Soldiers


Examining the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child through the Lens of Caste- and Descent-based Discrimination – Philip E. Veerman


Annemiek van Dijke and Philip Veerman: ‘Children’s Rights when Parents have a Mental Disorder including Addiction’
Chapter in ‘Children’s Rights in Health Care’

Philip Veerman, Het is tijd voor een partij voor de kinderen, in: NRC

Philip Veerman, Law proposal in Iceland heats up: Children’s rights debate on circumcision not on ice, in: The Times of Israel

Philip Veerman, ‘Dat fijne vloggen is voor sommige kinderen werk’, in: Parool

Philip Veerman, Protecting the Victims of Child Trafficking


Philip Veerman, An African and International Perspective on Children’s Rights, in: The international journal of children’s rights, 25 (2017) 672-697

Dr. Peter Greeven en Philip Veerman, Amsterdamse Conferentie verdoezelt gevaar gokverslaving, in: Parool

Philip Veerman, Beschermde Opvang van buitenlandse minderjarige slachtoffers mensenhandel, in: Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, jaargang 56 nummer2 (2017), pagina’s 59-72, of lees op deze website


Philip Veerman, Die goedkope verbouwing verscheurt Poolse gezinnen, in NRC, 5 oktober 2016, of lees op deze website

Philip Veerman & Peter Greeven
Jeugdbeleid volume 10, pages 115–125 (2016)

Philip Veerman, Een nieuwe Kinderombudsman, een nieuw geluid, column in Jeugdbeleid, juni 2016

Philip Veerman & Peter Greeven, Oprekken van de leeftijdsgrens kind-volwassene is noodzakelijk, in herschreven vorm gepubliceerd in Jeugdbeleid, 06 juni 2016, nr 115 Lees de samenvatting


Philip E. Veerman, The Ageing of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, The Future of Children’s Rights, Edited by Michael Freeman


Philip Veerman, TVbeelden achtervolgen vondeling levenslang, Trouw 1 juni 2013

Philip Veerman, Politie Den Haag kwam op voor de kinderen, Trouw 12 oktober 2013.


Philip Veerman, Le jour ou les enfants sont devenus subject, Le Temps, 20 octobre 2012.
download this article (.pdf, 418kb)

Damon Barrett and Philip Veerman, Commentary on the CRC article 33 (protection from the use of illicit drugs), Leiden, Brill, 2011 (in press)


Damon Barrett and Philip Veerman, Children who use Drugs: The Need for More Clarity on state Obligations in International LawIn:ternational Journal on Human Rights and Drug Policy, 2011, vol.1., pp. 63-82.
download The Need for More Clarity on state Obligations in International Law (.pdf, 164kb)

Philip Veerman, “Eindelijk een Kinderombudsman Nederland” (Finally an Ombudsman for Children in the Netherlands) in:”: Jeugdbeleid (Youth policy) (in Dutch), vol.5., n.3, September 2011, 153-160.

Philip Veerman, “Is invoering van adolescentenstrafrecht vernieuwend?”, (is the proposed criminal law for adolescents innovative? (in Dutch)
in: Gz-psychologie, (mental health psychology journal), Tijdschrift over gezondheidsszorgpsychologie, vol.3., no.6., September 2011, p.37.

Philip Veerman, Book Review of “Waltraut Kerber-Ganse, Die Menschenrechte des Kindes” (in German)
In:ternational Journal of Children’s Rights, vol. 19, no. 2, 2011, 357-360.


Philip Veerman, “Soft targets van de politie vertekent mogelijk statistieken jeugdcriminaliteit”
in: T. Jeugdbeleid decembernummer, 2010, vol.4., 2170220..

Philip Veerman, “the Ageing of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”
in: International Journal of Children’s Rights, December 2010 vol.18, no.4., 585-618.

Philip Veerman, Ronald Visser (van het NIFP en FORCA) en Caroline Schuijlenburg (kinder- en jeugdpsychiater bij het NIFP en de Jutters) ‘autonomie bij jongeren met een verstandelijke handicap’
in: J. H. de Graaf, F.K. van Wijk, C. Mak en L.A. Mulders, redactie, Rechten van het Kind en Autonomie, Nijmegen, 2010, Ars Aequi.

Philip Veerman, “Focusing on ‘soft targets’ by the police, gives wrong picture of statistics on juvenile delinquency’’, in: T. Jeugdbeleid (Journal on Youth policy), December issue (in press) in Dutch.

Philip Veerman, The Ageing of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, in: International Journal of Children’s Rights.vol.18, no.4., 2010, 585-618

Philip Veerman, Caroline Schuijlenburg and Ronald Visser, Autonomy and adolescents with borderline intellectual functioning, in: Coby de Graaf, editor, Child Rights and Autonomy (in Dutch), Nijmegen, Ars Aequi publishers.


Philip Veerman, Verdrag rechten van het kind heeft nu een vader en een moeder (Korczak en Jebb)
in: Cogiscope, themanummer Kind en Trauma, in druk (decembernummer).

Philip Veerman, ‘Mediahype rond zeilmeisje is schadelijk’
in: de Volkskrant, 28 augustus 2009.

Philip Veerman, ‘advocaten bij verhoor jongeren is eigen métier’
in: T. Jeugdbeleid (september , nummer 3, jrg.3, 2009, pp133-135)

Philip Veerman, ‘De leeftijdgrenzen worden opgerekt’ (.pdf, 147kb)
In: T. Jeugdbeleid, juni nummer, 2009.

Philip Veerman, “lawyers for children is special profession” (advocaten bij verhoor is eigen métier),: Journal of Youth Policy (in Dutch: T. Jeugdbeleid), vol.3, issue 3, September 2009, pp.133-135.

Philip Veerman, media hype about 13 year old girl wanting to sail solo around the world is damaging (in Dutch: media hype zeilmeisje is schadelijk), in: de Volkskrant (newspaper), Amsterdam, 28 august 2009.

Philip Veerman, T. Jeugdbeleid (Dutch Journal on Youth policy), the boarders of what is ‘youth’ are stretched (leeftijdsgrenzen worden opgerekt), vol.3., no.2. June, pp.73-75


Philip Veerman, Tijdschrift Jeugdbeleid, decembernummer 2008, nummer 4, jaargang 2., gastredacteur, nummer kinderen en verslaving. In dat nummer is ook een column.

Philip Veerman en Ronald Visser (van het NIFP), werken aan ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid als laatste kans (en methodes als MST, FFT en MDFT),
in: C. de Graaf, red., ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid en rechten van het kind (Nijmegen, Ars Aequi uitgeverij)

Philip Veerman,an SOS to Dutch politicians about adolescents and drugs, in Journal of youth policy (T. Jeugdbeleid) in Dutch, in press (December issue);

Philip Veerman and Ronald Visser,working with responsibility of parents as a last resort, in: Coby de Graaf , editor, De rechten van het kind en ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid (the rights of the children and the responsibility of parents), Amsterdam, Aers Qequi publishers, October 2008


Philip Veerman, Jeugddelinquent alleen opsluiten heeft geen zin
in: NRC Handelsblad, 21 september 2007.

Philip Veerman, Nederland heeft een ombudsman voor kinderen nodig! in: Tijdschrift voor Jeugdbeleid , jaargang 1, nr.3, september 2007 nummer, p.149.

Phillip Veerman, Jeugddelinquent alleen opsluiten heft geen zin, in: NRC -Handelsblad, 21 september 2007.

Philip Veerman, Impact of the UN Security Council Resolution 1612 on the work with children and adolescents in armed conflict, in: International Journal of Children’s Rights, issue 4 (2007) in press.

Philip Veerman: The Netherlands needs an ombudsman for Children! in: T. Jeugdbeleid [magazine on youth policy, in Dutch], September 2007 issue.


  1. Greenbaum, Ph. Veerman and N. Bacon-Schnoor, Protection of Children During Armed Political Conflict, 2006 , Intersentia Publishing House, Belgium (see:
  2. Greenbaum, Ph. Veerman and N. Bacon-Schnoor, “Introduction: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Protection of Children in Political Conflicts”, in”: Protection of Children During Armed Political Conflict (2006).

An inside look into the work of a diagnostic team: the internal diagnostic work of a Youth Care Office (Bureau Jeugdzorg) in the Haaglanden region and the Province of South – Holland and some recommendations for the future, Woerden, 2006, Adviesbureau van Montfoort, pp. 45. (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, “Controversy about the ‘Calmeyer-list’ stays. A new book about Hans Calmeyer does not answer many questions; Calmeyer was not the Dutch Schindler”, in: NIW, 6 January 2006, p. 13 (in Dutch)


Zet jonge criminele recidivisten apart van andere kwetsbare jonge jeugddelinquenten, maar ook van volwassen delinquenten
In: Trouw, 18 november

De kindsoldaten van Nederland
In: De Groene Amsterdammer, 21 oktober, vol.129, no. 42

Ontzielde jeugdzorg
In: De Groene Amsterdammer, 15 juli, vol.129, no.28

Should the International Criminal Court also be a development agency?
In: Crime & Justice International, juli-augustus,vol.21
Download dit artikel in Crime&Justice International Worldwide July/August 2005 · Volume 21 · Number 87 (.pdf, 1,8mb)

Rola Hulsbergen-Paanakker en Philip Veerman
Leerlingen hebben een sleutelrol bij veiligheid op school
In: De Haagsche Courant, 30 maart

Philip Veerman, “put young criminals who are recidivists apart [from other vulnerable young juvenile delinquents, but also from adult delinquents]”, in: Trouw, Morning paper, 18 November 2005 (in Dutch).

Philip Veerman, “the child soldiers of the Netherlands”, in: De Groene Amsterdammer, 21 October 2005, vol.129, no. 42, pp.6-7 (in Dutch).

Philip Veerman, “youth care now without a soul” (ontzielde jeugdzorg), in: De Groene Amsterdammer (Dutch weekly), 15 July 2005, vol.129, no.28, p.37.

Philip Veerman, “should the International Criminal Court also be a development agency?” , in : Crime & Justice International , July-August 2005 ,vo.21,np.87, pp.17-20.
Download this article in Crime&Justice International Worldwide July/August 2005 · Volume 21 · Number 87 (.pdf, 1,8mb)

Rola Hulsbergen-Paanakker and Philip Veerman, Pupils have a key-role to get a safe school (leerlingen hebben een sleutelrol bij veiligheid op school),in: De Haagsche Courant, 30 March 2005 (in Dutch).


Three books on juvenile justice, book review in: International Journal of Children’s Rights, vol. 13, no.4


“Renaissance” de la Tribune
In: Nouvelle Tribune Internationale des droits de l’enfant, februari

Geef vredesonderwijs een kans; reflectie op vredesonderwijs
In: L. Vriens, redactie, Nieuwe wegen voor vredeseducatie, Utrecht

Philip Veerman, acceptance speech for Defence for Children International of the Geuzenpenning prize for fighting for democracy and human rights and against racism, Vlaardingen, the Netherlands.

Philip Veerman, “renaissance” de la Tribune, in: Nouvelle Tribune Internationale des droits de l’enfant, Fevrier 2003, p.1.

Philip Veerman, Give peace-education a chance;, reflections on education for peace in: L. Vriens, ed., New Ways in Peace Education, Utrecht. (in Dutch), 2003.


Philip Veerman, “Enfants-soldats: Les Leçons de la demobilization,” in: “Nouvelle Tribune Internationale des droits de l’enfant” , Janvier, 2002, pp. 29-30.


Philip Veerman and Hephzibah Levine, “Protecting Palestinian Intifada children: peaceful demonstrators, child soldiers or child martyrs?,” in: The International Journal of Children’s Rights, vol. 9., no. 2., 2002, pp. 71-88.

Hephzibah Levine and Philip Veerman, “Government obligation to provide access to social security for children of minority ethno-linguistic groups: The case of Arab children in Israel”: in: the International Journal of Children’s Rights, vol. 9, no. 3, 2002, pp. 273-281.

Philip Veerman, “A critical review of the UN Special General Assembly Meeting on Children: What’s the point of attending the Special Session?,” in: CRIN (Children’s Rights Information Network) Newsletter, no. 14, June, pp. 19-20.

Philip Veerman, “Les enfants et les Nationas Unies: Une vision critique de la prochaine session extraordinaire de l’Assemblée Genérale des Nations Uniies Consacrée aux enfants,” in: Bulletin Suisse des droits de l’enfants, vol. 7, no. 2, juin 2002, pp. 2-4.


Sami Adwan en Philip Veerman, Reflections on Joint Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation Projects, in Palestine-Israel Journal, Vol 7, 2000 >

Philip Veerman, “Children and the cycle of violence,” in: The Jerusalem Post, 19 November 2000.

Philip Veerman, “implementing children’s rights,” in: Human Rights Dialogue (publication of the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs), Spring, 2000, series 2, no. 2, p. 13.

Philip Veerman and Hephzibah Levine, “Implementing Children’s Rights on a Local Level: Narrowing the Gap Between Geneva and the Grassroots,” in: The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 201, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 373-384.

Een week met Philip Veerman op pad (diary kept for the weekly NIW), 8 December 2000, (in Dutch).

Sami Adwan and Philip Veerman, “Reflections on Joint Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation Projects,” in: Palestine-Israel Journal, vol. VII, No. 1&2, 200, p. 110-125.

Philip Veerman, “Hollands Dagboek (Dutch Diary), in NRC-Handelsblad, 9 December 2000, p. Z7.

Philip Veerman, “Beware, Mines!,” in: The Jerusalem Post, August 16, 2000.


Philip Veerman, “Implementing Children’s Rights on the Local Level”, “Deaf Bedouin Children”, “DCI-Israel and the Challenges Ahead: A Three Year Work Plan (2000-2002)”, Israel Children’s Rights Monitor, A Report on Twelve Years of Achievement (1987-1999) (pdf, 6,2 Mb)

Philip Veerman and Caroline Sand, “Religion and Children’s rights,” in: The International Journal of Children’s Rights, vol. 7., no. 4, 1999, pp. 385-393.

Philip Veerman, “The Children’s Rights crisis in Sierra Leone,” in: the International Children’s Rights Monitor, Summer 1999.

Philip Veerman, Child Welfare and Children’s rights: Looking ahead and looking Back, Closing address at the IFCW World Forum, Helsinki, Finland, 4 September 1999 , IFCW (International Forum for Child Welfare)

  1. Veerman, G. Tatsa, P. Druzin and R. Weinstein, “HIV Prevention, Children’s Rights and Homosexual youth”, in: International Journal of Children’s Rights, vol.7., no.1.,1999, pp.83-89.


Philip Veerman, “The United Nations and the Rights of the Child; Every Newborn Must be Recognized by the Responsible Authorities,” in: Palestine-Israel Journal, vol. IV, no. 1, 1997, pp. 49-54.


Philip Veerman, preface to the International Yearbook of children’s Rights, DCI-the Netherlands, 1996, p. 1-2.

Philip Veerman and Adir Waldman, “Palestinian Teens imprisoned with adults,” in: The International Journal of Children’s Rights, no. 2, vol. 4, 1996, pp. 147-160.

Philip Veerman, “Children’s Rights are Paramount,” in: The Jerusalem Post. November 20, 1996.


Philip Veerman and Barbara Gross, “Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza,” in: the International Journal of Children’s Rights, vol. 3, 1995, pp. 295-332.


Philip Veerman and Robin Lessing, “Israel and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Ratification is Not Enough,” in: Israel Children’s Rights Monitor, vol. 4, Autumn, 1994, pp. 74-76.

Philip Veerman Veerman, “from war to peace,” in: Israel Children’s Rights Monitor, vol. 4, Autumn, 1994, p. 126-130.

Philip Veerman, Korczak and the rights of the child movement, in:Rene Gortzen (ed.),Een mensenleven voor het kind, Janusz Korczak 1878-1942, Kampen,uitgeverij Kokp.124-129.


Philip Veerman and Yossi Miller, “Is Israel a haven for child-abductors?,” in: the Jerusalem Post, August 9, 1993.

Philip Veerman: Book review: Hugh Starkey et al, “The Challenge of Human Rights education, in”: The International Journal of Children’s Rights, nos. 3-4, vol. 1, 1993.

Philip Veerman and Yair Ronen, Mental health starts at home, in: The Jerusalem Post, 9 June 1993.


Halabi, Usama and Veerman, Philip. “Good for Families, Good for Peace,” in: The Jerusalem Post, May 26, 1992

George Samaan and Philip Veerman, “Children’s Right to Legal representation. A Review of DCI-Israel’s Legal Aid Project,” in: Israel Children’s Rights Monitor, vol. 3, November 1992, pp. 35-43.

Philip Veerman, The Rights of the Child and the Changing Image of Childhood, Dordrecht, Boston, London, Martinus Nijhoff, International Studies in Human Rights, 1992, pp. 655.

Michael Freeman and Philip Veerman, editors, the Ideologies of Children’s Rights, International Studies in Human Rights, Dordrecht, Boston, London, Martinus Nijhoff, International Studies in Human Rights, 1992, pp. 367.

Philip Veerman, “Towards a more Integrated Basis for the Children’s Rights Movement: The Aims and Outcome of the First International Interdisciplinary Study-Group on Ideologies of Children’s Rights,” in: Michael Freeman and Philip Veerman, editors, The Ideologies of Children’s Rights, 1992.

Philip Veerman and Elisabeth Mijnarends, The rights of children to good legal representation (het recht van kinderen op geode rechtsbijstand),in: P.H. Bakker Schut et all, De kant van het kind, liber amicorum for Prof Miek de Langen ,Gouda, Quint,pp.391-409.


Marion Brodie and Philip Veerman, “World Summit for Children” (pdf, 5,8mB), The Israel Children’s Rights Monitor, Vol 2, 1991

Irwin Cotler and Philip Veerman, “A Tool for Teaching Human Rights,” The Jerusalem Post, October 9, 1991.

Yossi Miller and Philip Veerman, “The Battle to Defend the Weak,” in: The Jerusalem Post, November 21, 1991.


Philip Veerman: the Shadow of Janusz Korczak: The Story of Stefania Wilczynska
in: The Melton Journal (New York, NY), Spring 1990, N0. 23, pp.8-9.
Download the article on Stefania_Wilczynska (.pdf, 549kb)

Philip Veerman an Yossi Miller: “Is Israel a heaven for child Abductors“, in: The Jerusalem Post


Philip Veerman, “Israel: Right to Education. A village that ‘does not exist’,” in: International Children’s Rights Monitor, vol. 6, 1989, p. 27.

Philip Veerman, “Ethiopian Children in Israel: Stomachs Full of Sorrow,” in: the International Children’s Rights Monitor, vol. 6, 1989, p. 27.

Philip Veerman, “Challenge to our Image of Childhood,” in: The Jerusalem Post, September 24, 1989.

Philip Veerman, “Foster Families in Kibbutzim,” in: Adoption and Fostering, Vol. 13, no. 2, 1989, pp. 48-53.

Anita Weiner and Philip Veerman, “To Improve Residential Care for the Young,” In: Haaretz, 16 April 1989 (in Hebrew)

Philip Veerman, “On Israel’s Declaration on the Rights of the Child,” in: The Jerusalem Post, April 3, 1989.

Ronit Graf and Philip Veerman, A New Plan for Children’s Residential Treatment Centers for Childeren in Israel, Tel Aviv, Council for the Child in Placement.


Anita Weiner and Philip Veerman, “Children in Institutions,” in: Haaretz, 2 March 1988 (in Hebrew).

Philip Veerman and Anita Weiner, “Act now, or pay a high price later,” in: The Jerusalem Post.

Avraham Barashi and Philip Veerman, “family style institutions for children needed”, in: Haaretz.


Philip Veerman: “The Work of Martin Wolins; A Theoretical Foundation for Group Care“, in Youth Aliyah Bulletin, January 1987

Philip Veerman, “Janusz Korczak and the Rights of the Child,” in: Concern, 62, 1987, pp. 7-9 (publication of the National Children’s Bureau, London, UK).
Download the article:
Janusz Korczak and the rights of the child (.pdf, 6mb)

Philip Veerman, “Therapeutic Tutoring and the battle against truanting in Amsterdam,” in: Journal of Educational Therapy, vol. 1, No. 3, June 1987, pp. 60-72 (publication of the Forum for the Advancement of Educational Therapy.

Philip Veerman, book review of Yithak Kashti and Mordechai Azrieli, “Residential settings and the community: Congruence of conflict,” “The Global Village,” in: Youth Aliyah Bulletin, Summer 1987, pp. 73-78.

Philip Veerman, “Therapeutic Tutoring as a method of preventing School Drop-Out,” in: Chigier, E., Special Education and Social Handicap, London/Tel Aviv, 1985, Freund Publishers.

Philip Veerman and Anita Weiner, “Proper Care for Children in Care,” in: The Jerusalem Post, November 11, 1987

Philip Veerman, “The Work of Martin Wolins: A Theoretical Foundation for Group Care,” in: Youth Bulletin, January 1987, pp. 59-61.

Philip Veerman, “Een bezoek aan het jeugddorp Hodayot” (a visit to the youth village Hodayot), in: Jeugd Nieuws, August, 1987 (in Dutch), pp. 2-3.

Philip Veerman, Helping Dutch Holocaust Victims, in: Social Work Today, (1987), vol. 18, no. 43, p.12.


Philip Veerman, book review: Janusz Korczak, King Matt the First, in: The Jerusalem Post, August 15, 1986.

Philip Veerman, Fifty Years Later, but Successfully” (about the work of the Janusz Korczak Stichtring in the Netherlands), in: Poland, 3, 347, 1986, pp. 38-39.

Philip Veerman, “The Rights of the Child Today and the Time of Janusz Korczak,” Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education, September 1986, document PS 015 740/ED 260 127.


Philip Veerman, “Fighter for the Rights of the Child,” in: The Jerusalem Post, June 14, 1985.

Philip Veerman, opwaardering internaatsopvoeding (to improve residential care), in: “Children’s Home 2000?,” 300 year -“Amstelstad,” Amsterdam.

Anton Feijtel en Philip Veerman
Onderwijs en Jeugdwelzijnzorg, een onoverbrugbare kloof?
Amsterdam, Stichting voor het Kind

Jan Drapers en Philip Veerman
Schooluitvallers – de visie van Michael Rutter
In: Feijtel en Veerman, Onderwijs en Jeugdwelzijnzorg: een onoverbrugbare kloof

Dorie Steevensz and Philip Veerman, Werken met (dreigende) schooluitvallers: De ontwikkeling van een ambulante hulpverleningsmethode, in: Anton Feijtel and Philip Veerman, Onderwijs en Jeugdwelzijnzorg, pp. 48-63, (working with school drop-outs or those who are about to become school drop-outs: the development of an outpatient method) in Dutch.

Philip Veerman, De lessen van de school drop-outs in Londen (the lessons of school drop-outs in London), in: Tijdschrift voor jeugdhulpverlening, vol. 13, no. 3, 1985, pp. 67-70.

Philip Veerman, Therapeutic tutoring as a method of preventing School-Dropout, in: E. Chigier (ed.),Special education and Social Handicap, London, Tel Aviv,1985, Freund Publishing House,pp.141-147.

Philip Veerman, the life and work of Dan Mulock Houwer (former Secretary General of the International Union for Child Welfare in Geneva), review of a biography by Helloinckx and Paulwels, in: the Dutch Magazine for Mental Health (Maandblad voor de Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, MGV).

Philip Veerman, “With a Cold Objective Eye and a Warm Hart: The Work of Child Welfare Pioneer Dan Mulock Houwer”
in: Youth Aliyah Bulletin, 1985, December, pp.72-73.

Philip Veerman, The Rights of the Child today and in the time of Janusz Korczak, paper presented at the International Conference on the Training of educators, June 20, 1985:a microfiche copy can be obtained through ERIC (Clearinghouse on Elementary and early Childhood Education, Urbana, Illinois, USA).


Het orthopedagogisch pionierswerk van W.J. Bladergroen : het ontstaan van de behandeling van leerstoornissen zoals ontwikkeld door Wilhelmina J. Bladergroen op de Stichting Psychologisch Pedagogisch Instituut Amsterdam tussen 1945 en 1970

“Learning to learn through Educational Therapy,” Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Urbana, IL, USA, ERIC.


Kinderen en jongeren leren te leren : onderzoek naar de theoretische en practische uitgangspunten van de werkwijze van de ambulant werkende afdelingen van het PPI Amsterdam

“Het Weeshuis van Janusz Korczak”
In: SJOW, Tijdschrift voor Jeugdbescherming en Jeugdwelzijnswerk, no.1/2, vol.11,pp. 38-42.

Dan Mulock Houwer, Philip Veerman en Kees Waaldijk, the government should not break the chain of different facilities of care for children, in: NRC Handelsblad, February 5,1983 (in Dutch).


Philip Veerman, “Koning Matthijsje nog steeds actueel” (Book King Matt by Janusz Korczak still modern) in: Het Parool, 1 juni 1982, p. 15.


Bernard Kruithof, Tom Mous en Philip Veerman (editors) Internaat of pleeggezin, 200 jaar discussie (residential care or boarding out – 200 years of debate), WIJN and Stichting voor het Kind, Utrecht and Amsterdam, 1981, pp. 169.

Jan van Lieshout en Philip Veerman, “Begint bij Hamburg de Victorie?” (review of the discussion from a prize contest in 1779 in Hamburg till modern times about boarding out in families or institutional care), in: Kruithof, Mous and Veerman, Internaat of pleeggezin, 200 jaar discussie.

Philip Veerman, Marian Harten en Gerard de Wit, about truancy, not all children who do not go to school have the same problems, in: SJOW (magazine for youth welfare),March 20,1981,no.3,vol.9.,p.64-66 (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, report on the International Symposium on Single-parent families, July 5-9,1981, in: Welzijnsweekblad, August 7,p.9 (in Dutch)


Philip Veerman, “Kinderbescherming in Israelische kibbutzim,” (child protection on Israeli kibbutzim) in: Tijdschrift SJOW, vol. 8, 10 October 1980, no. 10, pp. 254-256.

Philip Veerman, International Symposium in Israel about the role of fathers, “caring of fathers important for children” in: Welzijnsweeklbad (Social Welfare Weekly), August 22,1980,p.15 (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman en Henk van Reenen, no help for children because of lack of money the government provides, in: NRC Handelsblad, June 2, 1980 (in Dutch)


“Residentiële zorg of pleegzorg– de discussie van 1979”
Artikel ten behoeve van een (door P. Veerman geïnitieerde) conferentie in het Amsterdams Historisch Museum, Amsterdam


Philip Veerman, “Home link in Liverpool” – a prevention play-learning project, in:
K&O (Kinderverzorging en oudervoorlichting) magazine , vol.20., 1099, no.3. , pp.3-6 (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, St. Christopher’s Hospice helps dying people and their families

“To help relations to cope with anger” ,in: Welzijnsweekblad, 21 January 1977 (in Dutch).

Jan van Lieshout and Philip Veerman, “May we have sorrow?” to bring back mourning-processes to the community, in TMW (Magazine for Social Welfare), p.24-27

Philip Veerman, sculptures for the blind in the Tate Gallery, London, Welzijnsweekblad, (social welfare weekly), January 21,1977.

Philip Veerman, how to involve experienced foster parents in giving information to people who want to be foster parents, report of an experiment, Rotterdam,1977, Stichting Centrale voor Pleeggezinnen Zuid-Holland en Zeeland (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, to start again: the English organization Cruse helps widows and their children, in: TMW,vol.31,p.18-22.


Philip Veerman, “huis-tuin- en keuken problemen eindelijk erkend (spel- en opvoedwinkels en speelk-o-theken) (finally recognition for “simple” educational problems)in: de Goene Amsterdammer, 7 july 1976 (in Dutch)

Jan van Lieshout and Philip Veerman, ”you do not get much encouragement in child welfare” interview with Ied Alten, pioneer in child welfare, in: Tijdschrift voor Maatschappijvraagstukken en Welzijnszorg (Magazine for the Study of problems in Society and Social Welfare) ,30 (1976)12 (June 20) (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, integration of mentally handicapped, new chances,but also limits,in:TMW,30 (1976)October,p.342-346 (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, foster parents are not clients but co-workers in childcare, in: TMW, 30(1976)12 (June), p.234-236 (in Dutch)


Philip Veerman, A special shop for children’s books, in: Sjow (magazine on child welfare), no.15,1975, p.340-341. (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, Children from Suriname in the cold (everything at school, at home and in the street is different),in: De Groene Amsterdammer,15 December 1975,p.7. (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman and Jan van Lieshout, big children’s institutions give way to small family-grouphomes, in: NRC Handelsblad, May 16,1975 (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, “..and how many children are placed now? Foster families and foster children, in: TMW ,29(1975)3 (February 5) p.58-60 (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, bookreview “experiments in the Rehabilitation of the Mentally Handicapped” (by H. Ginzburg), in: REAP, Research Exchange and Practice in Mental Retardation, vol.1,no.4,1975,p.240-243.

Philip Veerman, the experiments of the Mixed Interdepartmental Working-group On Youth-Policy, in: TMW, November 20,1975,no.20,p.399-402 (in Dutch).

Philip Veerman, bookreview, “future for two, foster-grandparents for the mentally handicapped” (T. Hamer),in: TMW, no.8, vol.29, 1975, p.157


Philip Veerman en Jan van Lieshout, children’s home, children at home, differentiation in (foster) family care, in: TMW, September 20,1974,vol.28,p.303-308 (in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, learning disabilities from the child’s point of view, interview with Elise Blankenship and Jean Lokerson of the department of Special Education of the University of Northern Illinois , in: Involvement, May-June, (Canada) 1974,no.5.,vol.6.pp11-18.


Philip Veerman, “reaching out” program needed to aid battered babies and their parents, discussion with Joan Court, ex-head of the Battered Child research department (England),in: Involvement, January-February 1973,pp.18-22 (Canada).


Beroepsorganisatoren zijn de sociale chirurgen, bezoek aan de Industrial Areas Foundation Training Center of Saul Alinsky in Chicago
In: Verdanda, tijdschrift voor studenten aan Sociale Academies, 6 februari

Bezoek aan de Organization for a better Austin: “Wij mobiliseren mensen”
In: Verdanda, tijdschrift voor studenten aan Sociale Academies, 7 maart

Philip Veerman, professional organizers are the social surgeons, visit to the Industrial Areas Foundation Training Center of Alinsky in Chicago, in: Verdanda, magazine of students of Schools of Social Work, 6 February 1972.(in Dutch)

Philip Veerman, visit to the Organization for a better Austin, “We mobilize the people”, in: Verdanda, magazine for Students of Schools of Social Work, 7 march 1972 (in Dutch).


Fact-finding to the foster-grandparents (Verslag van een bezoek aan instellingen in Wisconsin),
rapport voor het NOZ (Nederlands Orgaan Zwakzinnigenzorg), Utrecht

The way to mend breakdowns in family-communications (interview with family therapist dr. Walter Kempler)
In: Involvement, zomer (Canada)

“Het is de solidariteit die telt”, interview met Toos Siteur van de Katholieke Associatie voor familie en jeugdzorg
In: Verdanda, tijdschrift voor studenten van Sociale Academies, mei

Philip Veerman, Fact-finding to the foster-grandparents, report, NOZ (Dutch organization for the Mentally Retarded),1971.

Philip Veerman, the way to mend breakdowns in family-communications (interview with family therapist dr. Walter Kempler),in: Involvement, Summer 1971, pp 41-45 (Canada).

Philip Veerman, “It is the solidarity that counts” interview with Toos Siteur of the Catholic Association for Family and Childcare, in: Verdanda, magazine for Students of the Schools of Social Work, May 1971,p.6-9 (in Dutch) (Canada).


Anke van der Bom en Philip Veerman
“Normale huizen in normale buurten”
(over ervaringen in residentiële behandelcentra in Canada, Browndale
In: MGV, Maandlad voor de Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 25 mei, no. 5 (about experience in residential treatment centers in Canada Browndale), in: MGV, Maandlad voor de Geestelijke Volksgezondheid (Dutch Journal for Mental Health ) ,25 (1970)May,no.5. pp.209-217 (in Dutch).
download “Normale huizen in normale buurten” (.pdf, 492kb)

Philip Veerman en Harry van der Zand
”Wapengekletter in de underground? De transformatie van jeugdcentrum “ Fantasio” in meditatiecentrum de Kosmos “(Amsterdam)” ”A clash of arms in the underground? The transformation of the youthcenter “ Fantasio” into meditation-center” the Kosmos “(Amsterdam)”,in: Verdanda (magazine for students of schools of social work),May 19770,p.4-7. (in Dutch)

Citizen participation: doomed to extinction or last foothold of democracy?In:terview with Prof. Gustaaf de Cocq (School of Social Welfare in Calgary, Canada)
In: Verdanda, Magazine for students of Schools of Social Work

A Visit to Barnbyn, Children’s residential treatment center in Skå, near Stockholm
In: Involvement, winter (Canada)

” No hopeless cases”In:terview with child psychiatrist Prof. Th. H. Hart de Ruyter in Groningen, Holland
In : Involvement, herfst (Canada) nog te lezen op

“Opening a Corroded Lock Takes a Crowbar, Not a Key”In:terview with the Pink Pamphlet Child Welfare Protest Movement leaders in the Netherlands
In: Involvement, herfst Canada)

“Amsterdam’s Trojan Horse, A Report on the Youth Advisory Centers (JAC’s); an interview with Dr. Donald MacGillivry)
In: Involvement, herfst (Canada)


Anke van der Bom en Philip Veerman
“Normale huizen in normale buurten”
(over ervaringen in residentiële behandelcentra in Canada, Browndale
In: MGV, Maandlad voor de Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 25 mei, no. 5 (about experience in residential treatment centers in Canada Browndale), in: MGV, Maandlad voor de Geestelijke Volksgezondheid (Dutch Journal for Mental Health ) ,25 (1970)May,no.5. pp.209-217 (in Dutch).
download “Normale huizen in normale buurten” (.pdf, 492kb)

Philip Veerman en Harry van der Zand
”Wapengekletter in de underground? De transformatie van jeugdcentrum “ Fantasio” in meditatiecentrum de Kosmos “(Amsterdam)” ”A clash of arms in the underground? The transformation of the youthcenter “ Fantasio” into meditation-center” the Kosmos “(Amsterdam)”,in: Verdanda (magazine for students of schools of social work),May 19770,p.4-7. (in Dutch)

Citizen participation: doomed to extinction or last foothold of democracy?In:terview with Prof. Gustaaf de Cocq (School of Social Welfare in Calgary, Canada)
In: Verdanda, Magazine for students of Schools of Social Work

A Visit to Barnbyn, Children’s residential treatment center in Skå, near Stockholm
In: Involvement, winter (Canada)

” No hopeless cases”In:terview with child psychiatrist Prof. Th. H. Hart de Ruyter in Groningen, Holland
In : Involvement, herfst (Canada) nog te lezen op

“Opening a Corroded Lock Takes a Crowbar, Not a Key”In:terview with the Pink Pamphlet Child Welfare Protest Movement leaders in the Netherlands
In: Involvement, herfst Canada)

“Amsterdam’s Trojan Horse, A Report on the Youth Advisory Centers (JAC’s); an interview with Dr. Donald MacGillivry)
In: Involvement, herfst (Canada)


Pleeggrootouders: een nieuw fenomeen in het Amerikaans maatschappelijk werk
In: TMW, Tijdschrift voor Maatschappelijk Werk, no.20, vol.23
download “Pleeggrootouders: een nieuw fenomeen in het Amerikaans maatschappelijk werk” (.pdf, 900kb) Foster-grandparents: a new phenomenon in American Social Welfare, in: TMW (Tijdschrift voor Maatschappelijk Werk)Dutch Magazine of Social Work, no.20,vol.23,1969,p-p.459-460 (in Dutch).

Redactie van publicaties van organisaties

NGO Comments on the initial Israeli state report on implementing the UN Convention on the rights of the child: A mixed bag: Lawmaking to promote children’s rights, ongoing discrimination and many serious violations prepared for the Professional Working Group, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child – 31st session, by DCI Israel in consultation with members of the Israeli Children’s Rights Coalition, pp. 288.
Download Israel_NGO_Report_April_2002 (.pdf, 2Mb)

The situation of 100 former pupils of Hamifal Educational Boarding Homes, Jerusalem, 1999 (in Hebrew)
report for “Hamifal” Educational Boarding Homes.

Een voorgestelde nieuwe methode voor het PPI Amsterdam, PPI – Amsterdam, 1985. pp.26 The method of the Psychological Educational Institute Amsterdam (PPI Amsterdam), pp. 26, (helping chronic school drop-outs, temporary school drop-outs and children at risk of dropping out of school), PPI Amsterdam, 1985, pp.26.